Mail Thread Index
- Re: [TCML] A few questions, any help would be great,
- [TCML] TCML policy monthly reminder,
Monthly TCML Reminder
- Re: [TCML] 135ft arc 3ft sphere - Possible?,
Stephen Hiscock
- [TCML] Transformers,
- Re: [TCML] 135ft arc 3ft sphere - Possible? 150 ft spark at oak ridge,
- [TCML] Ignition coil etc,
Rhys Sage
- [TCML] 135ft arc 3ft sphere - Possible? Arc definition,
Stephen Hiscock
- [TCML] looking for a nice tank capacitor...problems...,
mike osipowicz
- [TCML] coilers in ontario,
Gates Larocque
- [TCML] NST for sale,
John Forcina
- [TCML] reply to herr zapp about mikes capacitor fail...,
mike osipowicz
- [TCML] Cornell Dubilier Caps for sale,
Paul Brodie
- [TCML] mikes cap failure,
mike osipowicz
- RE: [TCML] Isolation Transformers / 1:1 Transformers,
Skip Malley
- [TCML] Oneac verses Sola,
Jim Mora
- [TCML] final reply to Herr Zapp, about mikes cap failure,
mike osipowicz
- [TCML] AMAZING Plastic Supplier,
Andrew Robinson
- [TCML] Concentric Tube Wax/ Ti Concentrate Capacitors,
Harvey Norris
- [TCML] caps for quarter shrinker question,
- [TCML] Capacitor substitutions,
- [TCML] TV enquiry,
Nick Watson-SpecFac
- [TCML] Cap Substitution,
- [TCML] Plastics,
Tim Flood
- [TCML] Welder core as Ballast,
Phil Tuck (hvtesla)
- [TCML] Too close to a power line,
Dex Dexter
- [TCML] Frequencies,
Rhys Sage
- [TCML] Frequency,
Rhys Sage
- [TCML] Ebay I tems,
Gates Larocque
- [TCML] Sisg igbt,
- [TCML] SSTC help,
Rob Byron
- [TCML] Scan Tesla?,
Greg Morris
- [TCML] measuring frequencies and high voltages,
Rhys Sage
- [TCML] In Need of a 15Kv 30mA NST,
Brandon Hendershot
- [TCML] Copper Foil, Wire, Etc. on Ebay and at:,
D&M's High Voltage, Inc. - Dave
- [TCML] Proper Energy Discharge Capacitors Wanted for trade/sale,
- [TCML] switchover today with luck,
Chip Atkinson
- [TCML] switchover today with luck (fwd),
Chip Atkinson
- [TCML] Discharge capacitor wiring/CB safety note,
- [TCML] Tesla coil book in PDF,
Dex Dexter
- [TCML] New IP, new speed,
Chip Atkinson
- [TCML] anyone want a pristine copy of "Telsla, Man out of Time", hardback?,
Bill Noble
- [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
david baehr
- Re: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
David Rieben
- Re: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
Jon Danniken
- RE: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
david baehr
- Re: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
- RE: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
david baehr
- Re: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
- Re: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
Paul Brodie
- RE: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
david baehr
- Re: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
Paul Brodie
- RE: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
david baehr
- Re: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
- Re: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
Jon Danniken
- Re: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
- RE: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
Jim Mora
- Re: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
David Rieben
- RE: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
david baehr
- Re: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
David Rieben
- RE: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
david baehr
- Re: [TCML] welder for a ballast........,
- [TCML] DRSSTC help,
Andrew Robinson
- [TCML] Properly RF Grounding a Small Tesla Coil,
Brandon Hendershot
- [TCML] Proper NST Protection,
Brandon Hendershot
- [TCML] SSTC Design Tools,
Greg Morris
- [TCML] Tesla coil with 125kV, 600ma primary transformer.. is it worth doing it ?,
- [TCML] Hello again,
Aric R
- [TCML] GPO-3 Scrap Pieces,
D&M's High Voltage, Inc. - Dave
- [TCML] Magnet Wire and Copper Foil on Ebay,
D&M's High Voltage, Inc. - Dave
- [TCML] RE: GPO-3 Scrap Pieces,
D&M's High Voltage, Inc. - Dave
- [TCML] Pair of IGBT for free,
Reverend Fuzzy
- [TCML] IGBT Give-A-Way (conclusion),
Reverend Fuzzy
- [TCML] Items for sale.,
John Forcina
- [TCML] SSTC Coupling,
Greg Morris
- [TCML] Medhurst Internal Capacity Again,
Harvey Norris
- Re: [TCML] capacitor charge time?,
- [TCML] Need new cap(s) for my coil,
Brandon Hendershot
- [TCML] A few modifications on GU5B vttc,
Liviu Vasiliu
- [TCML] EI Lamination Steel on Ebay,
D&M's High Voltage, Inc. - Dave
- [TCML] First Light, MOTs, etc.,
G Hunter
- [TCML] RSG finally being finished. Check out the amazing results.,
Andrew Robinson
- [TCML] 13M for sale,
- [TCML] Transformer for sale,
- [TCML] X-ray Transformer for sale,
Jim Mora
- [TCML] Advice,
Timothy VanSusteren
- [TCML] High Voltage Items for Sale,
Tedd Payne
- [TCML] Halloween greeting to all High Voltage hobbyists,
Shaun Epp
- [TCML] Halloween Safety,
Andrew Robinson
- [TCML] Capacitors and Plugs,
Phillip Slawinski
- [TCML] GPO-3 Grab Boxes on Ebay,
D&M's High Voltage, Inc. - Dave
- [TCML] RE: GPO-3 Grab Boxes on Ebay,
D&M's High Voltage, Inc. - Dave
- [TCML] SSTC PlasmaSonic Board HELP!!!,
Andrew Robinson
- [TCML] ocilloscope,
Michael Vye
- Re: [TCML] ocilloscope: Yep, I blew mine, too,
- [TCML] MMC design - need caps,
Brandon Hendershot
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