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[TCML] 135ft arc 3ft sphere - Possible? Arc definition

Ok thanks everyone for the input.. very interesting points you all made...

The straight line distance seems the most logical and consistently measurable definition of spark length and doesn't need any special equipment like cameras etc but depends on what you call it doesn't it?

"Arc" by definition is a curve so if the arc curves up because of heat then it will be longer - I guess we could have a definition of fitting an arc - which is a section of a circle - with the best fit to the spark length then the little fractal paths it takes become irrelevant and then we have the best of both worlds..

so could we just use the term as it means - arc is an arc ie arc welding? then if you measure it by the arc method or the straight line measurement then you can't be wrong....

One more thought on people today using "science" to determine what someone could or could not have done when they don't fully understand all the factors involved is that people using this approach have seriously embarrassed themselves and prevented scientific progress

eg what Matt D said is very true...

Yes, WE have all agreed on how?WE shall measure spark length.?Since?we have no way of knowing what technique Tesla or his audiences used, his claims and theirs remain unverifiable.?..... Unless and until someone duplicates it, his claims remain a matter of faith.

Lord Kelvin “Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible.”and many other famous scientists of the time all PROVED that heavier than air flying machines were impossible so many didn't even turn up to see the wright brothers public demonstrations - these scientists were so smart that Fundamental units of physics were named after them. If bill wysock has made sparks/arcs this long then why is it so hard to believe that tesla could do this?

But everyone has made interesting points
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