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Re: [TCML] Tesla coil book in PDF

Hi Chip, All,

If I remember correctly back to H.S. Physics I (ca 1959) it was drummed into us that no emperical equation is valid outside of its specified range. If he is to be faulted, it is only for assuming his readers have gotten that far in "skool larnin'."  ;^))

Matt D.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chip Atkinson <chip@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Fri, Oct 16, 2009 5:52 pm
Subject: Re: [TCML] Tesla coil book in PDF

Hi Dex,
A while back I recieved a review copy of this book.  First off, I'd say
hat if you can legally grab it from that web site, go for it.  The price
s reasonably decent and it should be a fairly fast download.
In reading the book I was struck by the amazing amount of work that Mr.
ilbury must have put into the spread sheets to which he frequently
efers.  However, since a large portion of my reading was done on the bus I was
nable to take advantage of them, which I found rather frustrating.
For the most part the book read like a giant users' guide for a large
ollection of spread sheets.  
The section on metering I found fairly interesting and enlightening, but that
as because I don't have much background in that.  
Two sections kind of left me miffed -- first was capacitors.  There was
irtually nothing on making your own, even the MMC variety.  I personally have
ad better luck with MMC caps than commercial ones.  Maybe because I over drove
he commercial ones, but still, I was able to build an MMC for less than the
ommercial TC capacitor and it took quite a bit of punishment and hasn't shown
ny problems.
The second was primary construction.  The technique suggested was to drill
oles in the supports and thread the tubing for the primary through them.  I've
een this done but man, talk about a wrestling match.  You'd think for as much
ffort as he put into the spread sheets, he'd have given more thought to the
rimary construction. 
Ok, my final beef was with the curve fit equations.  Look on page 213 for an
xample.  y=11.798x**2+118.04x+2.5248  .  If you go to
ttp://www.wolframalpha.com and enter 
lot y=11.798x**2+118.04x+2.5248
Here's the URL:)
you'll see a nice parabolic plot.  Similarly on p 223, you'll see a kind of
razy equation to fit the curve.  Sure, it fits the curve for the range
pecified, but once you get past that, the lines don't follow anything close to
he anticipated trend.  I think it would be much better to just say something
ike y=133x, which would ultimately match the graph on p213 much more closely.  
So if you're going to use the curve fit equations, you need to put a big ol'
arning on them that says that the values only match for the range shown on the
raph.  Otherwise people are going to want to go outside the bounds and the
igher powers of X will overwhelm any coefficients of the lower powers of X.
Despite its shortcomings, it's a good book for your shelf and is a good way 
o get spread sheets to design a TC, but I wouldn't call it ultimate as in 
he final word on TC design.

n Fri, 16 Oct 2009, Dex Dexter wrote:
 Hi All,
 Book written by Mitch Tilbury in PDF form:
 What do you think of it ?
 What are good and weak sides of it in your opinion?
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