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Re: [TCML] 135ft arc 3ft sphere - Possible?

Fractal curves (I think) need not have an 'infinite' length, not to mention
that outside pure mathematics, although some things like sparks do have a
very fine structure, a true fractal cant actually 'exist', due to the fact
that matter etc appears to be made of 'discreete' pieces, not a continuum
like we consider in maths. Also, trying to measure the length of a spark at
this scale is rather silly anyway, as the spark chanel has a thickness, so
what 'path' through the cross-section do you take to measure the length?
Anyway I thought that the we all agreed the only meaningful measure of telsa
coil arcs was point-to-point; the linear distance between the two ends of
the arc channel?

> All Tesla coil sparks are actually of infinite length measured this way.
> I beleive that a spark by it nature is fractal. The length around the
> outside of any fractal has infinite length if you look closely enough. (try
> measuring a coastline) Therefore if you count the circumference all of the
> twists and turns you get an infinite length.
> Its amazing you ever get a strike !!
> Derek

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