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Re: [TCML] 135ft arc 3ft sphere - Possible?

"You *can* get to close to 135 feet if you count all the little twists and turns and count tip of one spark across the middle and to the tip of a spark on the other side. Bill Wysock's 13M gets there if you follow this somewhat unconventional measurement technique (of course he's running more power and has a much larger topload than a 3 foot ball) "

All Tesla coil sparks are actually of infinite length measured this way.

I beleive that a spark by it nature is fractal. The length around the outside of any fractal has infinite length if you look closely enough. (try measuring a coastline) Therefore if you count the circumference all of the twists and turns you get an infinite length.

Its amazing you ever get a strike !!


nancylavoie@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I'd be the last person to argue if the rumored arc lengths of Teslas project were attained or attainable,but I can't help but return to the thought that he was in Colorado to perform research in power transmission and not there to play around with the production of sparks!You must remember that us hobbyists are building and using these things far differently than was intended by Tesla. Just the way I look at it.  Wyatt
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Hiscock <stephenhiscock@xxxxxxxxx>

Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2009 15:43:38 To: Tesla Coil Mailing List<tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [TCML] 135ft arc 3ft sphere - Possible?

Hi there,

It is implied by DC Cox and Richard Hull it seems that the spark length of 135 feet is a myth?
well just a question regarding this spark length...
What has terminal size got to do with how far a spark will go?
I'm not saying Richard Hulls analysis is wrong, but doesn't power ultimately determine spark length?
Wouldn't a 3 feet sphere ONLY determine the initial break out voltage?

Heres what I found already posted on this list on 8 june 2003 and AGREED upon by many people:
subject: spark length vs. power input
Sun, 08 Jun 2003 21:35:53 -0600
Original poster: "Dr. Resonance by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>"
d = k' * sqr p
where d - spark length in inches
k = coil factor - from 0.5 to 2.0 (for most coils)
p = input power in watts

k' is dependent on the dia. of the sec. coil as follows:
k' = 0.85 when sec. dia. is 3-10 inches (small coils)
k ' = 1.0 when sec. dia. is 11-16 inches (medium coils)
k' = 1.3 when sec. dia. is 17-20 inches (large coils)
k' = 1.7 when sec. dia. is 21-36 inches (very large coils)
k' = 2.0 when sec. dia. is 37-48 inches (super coils)
.... end of snip]

so from the above snippet and calculations a spark length of 135 feet from Tesls coil is VERY REASONABLE and certainly within the accepted range of spark length, power input and coil k

ie power levels from 500 Kilowatts up to 2 Mega watts for k between 1 & 2 and if his coil had a k bigger then he only needed a small generator perhaps 50 kilowatts. But we know tesla had a big generator of perhaps this much power - I couldn't find a reference but I'm sure it was 2000 horse power -- which is easily big enough

Am I missing something?


DC Cox wrote:
This is a great book.

Rich did a tremendous amount of analysis work on Tesla's work.  Rich
provides clear explanations and offers some educated insight into what Tesla
may have been thinking as he conducted his famous experiments.  Rich also
negates some myths that were spun in the book, Prodigal Genius, especially
the 135 ft. long sparks off a 3 ft. dia copper sphere.

Glad to see it for sale again.

D.C. Cox

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 12:44 PM, Richard Hull <hullr@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

It has been a long while, but I am signing back on to alert anyone
interested in my expanded book,  "The Tesla Coil Builders Guide to the
Colorado Springs Note of Nikola Tesla", is back in print and is being sold
by Electric Spacecraft Inc. ,by agreement with me.

I am told by them that the book is to be priced at $35.00 plus $5.00

I constantly get requests for this book which has been out of print and
have had to turn folks away.  It is now back in print.

You may contact them directly at  www.electricspacecraft.com<

Richard Hull
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