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Re: [TCML] Magnifier topics


I agree with your methodology...

> Let's say that L3 and C3 are to be fixed, because we
> want a constant shaped field for breakout, and existing
> coil and toroid can be used.
> Let's also fix C1.   This gives the system the same voltage
> step-up ratio C3/C1 whatever the tuning mode.
> It would be nice to also fix L2.  Changing between two L2
> coils would upset the system each time and the use of a
> tapped L2 introduces a few unknowns.
> So if we fix an L2, then with C1, L3 and C3 already fixed,
> that determines L1 due to equation 6 in
>  http://www.coe.ufrj.br/~acmq/tesla/magnifier.html<http://www.coe.ufrj.br/%7Eacmq/tesla/magnifier.html>

I have a proven resonator that the only change will be epoxy
coat windings for improved mechanical and dielectric strength.
Inductance I will measure and confirm in JavaTC, but I believe
it is the 8-12mH range.

L2 has been designed in coordination with new flux concentration
primary design.  Once I get details fleshed out, I'll post an
AutoCAD pdf on dropio, but geometry is approximately
8.625" OD (8"sch 40 PVC) x 14" long close wound with
4 layers - paralleled #18 1kV fixture hookup wire.  So L2 comes in
between 1.6-2.2mH and shooting for a 3:4:5 lowest order mode.
Primary consists of two opposed mirror image pancake primaries
~10" ID 24" OD, 8 turns x 1/4" cu refrigeration tubing.  Flux
concentration equidistant plate between primaries is 1/4" AL
by 10" ID x 22" OD with 3" radial slot (15kV air hold off).  ID
to be lined by 2" x 1/4" AL bus bar ~ (300A rms continuous
ampacity; ~ 5kA for 1% DC per my power solver software).
Plate will be cut on plasma cutter at work, radiused on all
surfaces, and flux concentration busbar will be welded to
both sides of IDR ring, busbar equidistant (centered) on ring.
I can adjust primaries from ~ 1" to drive ring to ~ 4" separation
which will allow me simultaneous adjustment of k as well as
L1 (L1 can also be dual tapped as typical for even further fine
tune adjustment).

Drive ring, ID of primaries and bottom of L2 to be bused
together and common run to RF ground.  This will allow primary
to be operable up to very high input voltages (shooting for 30kV)
and yet voltages between IDR driver and L2 will be <<5kV.
L2 will be adjustable vertically, allowing L1 to L2 k adjustment as well.
Needless to say, I want as much tuning flexibility by geometry
adjustment of L1:L2 as possible, and this will be a scale
mock-up of Alex's high power system.

Transmission line to be a section of rigid tubing (Cu pipe?)
supported on insulators with a large 36" x 36" fixed plate.  A
movable plate will be supported on a standoff of PVC T and
tubing 12" long.  Pivot 36" square movable plate in front
of fixed plate to adjust. May require multiple fixed and movable
plates to get sufficient C2.  Movable plates grounded to RF ground
and C2 spacing as necessary to prevent flash-over.  May place
1/4" GPO switchgear grade fiberglass insulation between plates
to allow boosted C with enhanced Vholdoff.  Plates to be
PVC frame with either poultry mesh or 2 sq/in metal hardware
cloth wired to appropriate powering potential.

Powering Transformer, non shunted 1kVA 120/240V primary,
12kV secondary off a gas laser power supply (NOS never used).
I have a fully tappable Tesla equidrive capacitor bank (C1) capable
of up to 12.6nF at 14kVAC.

Dave Sharpe, TCBOR/HEAS
Chesterfield, VA USA

Sharpe's Axiom of Murphy's Law
"Physics trumps opinion!"
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