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Re: [TCML] Winding Direction of Variac Paralleling Chokes

Hey Stefan...

I wound mine both in the same direction with no adverse effects...

for more info on paralelling chokes see this web page


Scot D

Teslalabor wrote:


I want to put 4 heavy 230V / 32A Variacs in an series / parallel connection, so I can fire my big coil with 0-400V / 64A. For this I'm using 2 phases of our 3-phase 400V system here in Germany.

For the series / parallel connection of the 4 variacs I need 2 chokes which I want to wind on 2 MOT cores.

I allready read all the (very useful) threads about the paralleling chokes but I am still confused about the winding direction of the 2 wires - are they really in the same direction or one in this direction and the second winding in the other direction? Can I simply take 2 wires and wind them arround the core at the same time?

Best Regards from germany,
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