Mail Thread Index
- Van Der Graaf Rollers (fwd),
Steven Roys
- RF banding effects in vacuum tubes (fwd),
Steven Roys
- large flybacks and circuit board drivers (fwd),
Steven Roys
- Re: Coin Shrinking in October Pop Sci... (fwd),
Steven Roys
- test,
Steven Roys
- HV Humor (fwd),
Steven Roys
- Bennet's doubler (Re: test) (fwd),
Steven Roys
- wet oil ??? (fwd),
Steven Roys
- PMT wanted,
Steven Roys
- Re-entrant portion of the sphere (VDG) (fwd),
Steven Roys
- HV flybacks available (fwd),
Steven Roys
- Van der Graaff generator details. (fwd),
Steven Roys
- 10 kV Vacuum variable caps and 2.5 KW Tubes on eBay (fwd),
Steven Roys
- voltage drop (fwd),
Steven Roys
- eBay account info scam - nice try (fwd),
Steven Roys
- Electric Fences (fwd),
Steven Roys
- low grid current vacuum tubes (fwd),
Steven Roys
- Weber mass of an electron (fwd),
Steven Roys
- Good to be back PM Tubes (fwd),
Steven Roys
- Spinthariscopes, scintillators, etc...,
Steven Roys
- P-4 phosphor (fwd),
Steven Roys
- Re: Spinthariscopes, scintillators, etc... (fwd),
Steven Roys
- Phosphor P-4 (fwd),
Steven Roys
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