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Weber mass of an electron (fwd)

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Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 20:55:28
From: David Dameron <ddameron@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Weber mass of an electron

Is anyone familiar with a Dr. Mikhailov's tests to measure the change of
the mass of (free) electrons with electric potential, or has also tested
it? (1.6MV = 100% change)
In one test he was using a neon lamp RC oscillator inside a conducting
sphere that could be connected to a HV supply with earth reference.
I think this test would not work as claimed, as the neon 'on' time is only
a small fraction of the period of oscillation.
To get his results, it appears that the resistors would also be variable.
So, I tried a RC oscillator without a neon lamp, but using a 555 timer, and
optical coupling: a LED output and phototransistor detector. I got no
change, with a measurement of 1 part in 50000. Am looking at further tests
with a different method.

Here is a page by Scott Little that also got a null result with a neon lamp
and optical coupling.
-David Dameron