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Re: HV Humor (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2003 20:09:35 -0700 (PDT)
From: zagarus rashkae <zagaruszeemage@xxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: HV Humor (fwd)

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 13:34:35 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Chris Roberts
> <quezacotl_14000000000000@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: sroys@xxxxxxxx
> Subject: HV Humor
> Hi Steve,
> Since the HV list hasn't been incredibly active
> recently, I was wondering whether or not I could
> start a small humor thread. I understand that we
> wouldn't want to get completely off of the subject,
> but this might help pick things up. I was wanting to
> do a thing like "You know you play with HV too much
> when..." It would be things like:
> 1. You have a permanent groove in your finger that
> exactly matches the gauge of wire you wound onto
> your tesla coils.
> 2. You have knocked out the power to more than five
> houses at once.
> 3. You have been nominated for the power company's
> "Customer of the year"
> 4. When you walk into any building, you instantly
> find several objects that can be used as some sort
> of topload.
> 5. While you and your buddy are at an intersection,
> your buddy notices the ferrari across the street,
> and you notice the 50kVA pole pig hanging above it.
> Etc...
> The best thing would then be seeing what other list
> members could come up with. I decided it would be
> best to ask you first though whether or not I could
> post it. Thanks!


That's great, I think I would definitely fit criterion
#5 :-) I do always look up at every power pole and now
I have practically memorized the locations and kVA
ratings of every pole pig within about a half-mile of
me :D

6. When the neighbors stop complaining about the
lights dimming every so often because they're used to
it already :)



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