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eBay account info scam - nice try (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 14:09:54 -0600
From: Gomez <gomez@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: eBay account info scam - nice try

  For those who haven't seen this yet.  I received an apparently normal
looking message supposedly from
ebay, supposedly stating they wanted me to go verify account info
(always a red flag).  I got this at a yahoo mail account I use
occasionally, which isn't set up to display plain text, only HTML (for
good reasons I won't go into here).

  Upon closer examination, the "text" was a GIF file.  It contains a
line that looks like a URL to ebay.
It's actually linked to some asian site at

  I'd like to think most of the people I know wouldn't fall for this,
but it was a slightly new (to me) twist of trying to get people's
account info, and they managed to make it look pretty good.

[Link to bogus site and impassioned call for civil disobedience snipped.
Never open an attachment and never EVER give sensitive information on a
site you're not absolutely, positively sure about.  Ever.  And even if
you're dead sure about the site, think about it a few times before posting
or opening.  And thus endeth the internet scam thread.  Now hie thee on
over to the electrical dispensary forthwith and gather a few tens of
Coulombs of electricity... SRR]

  - gomez

The vultures are circling.  They carry
the faces of politicians and bowling
balls in their buttered claws.