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Re: Re-entrant portion of the sphere (VDG) (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 08:29:54 +1300
From: Malcolm Watts <m.j.watts@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re-entrant portion of the sphere (VDG) (fwd)

On 13 Oct 2003, at 6:20, High Voltage list wrote:

> Original poster: Steven Roys <sroys@xxxxxxxx>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 06:55:12 EDT
> From: Lyonelb@xxxxxxx
> To: hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re-entrant portion of the sphere (VDG)
>   A large diameter sphere with a small re-entrant radius is a must.The point
> of column entry is the electrically weakest region on the terminal. This can
> be offset to a considerable extent by arranging the electrode with a
> re-entrant portion into which the column fits. This results in a diminution of the
> field intensity at this point and thus in a shielding of this electrically weak
> region.
>   However  to make this re-entrant  portion is not easy.   Any idea ?
> Lyonel Baum

Use a torus instead of a sphere?

BTW, I'm enjoying the humor although some of it comes pretty close to
the bone, especially the bit about Radioshack not having the parts. I
can think of a popular distributor in my corner of the world whose
computer system never reflects the reality of (lack of) stock on the
shelves. The sad part is that "2N3055" means nothing to these people
but X4967 does and is always in stock according to the computer
database. As for the bit about getting parts from plumbing supplies
and using them in ways they never imagined existed, I've found it
useful to score trade discounts using my electrical ticket when
buying copper tubing and assorted plastic items.
