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Re: [TCML] Java TC VTTC design question

Hi Steve,

Javatc is meant for the basic 2 coil spark gap type coils. Although the LC calculations can of course be used for various coil types, when it comes to recommendations such as pri to sec proximity or even coupling, it's best to ignore and seek out advice. For example, with my own VTTC, Javatc recommended proximity was 1.42" and I used about 1". My coupling was also far above the recommendation at k of 0.375.

Now regarding the value of 0.126 spacing between turns on the primary, that is simply a calculation (not a recommendation). It's based on your primary height inputs, turns, and wire size.
Take care,

On 11/28/2017 8:52 PM, Steve White wrote:
I am currently building a single 833A-based VTTC based on Steve Ward's schematic. I was using JavaTC today to design the primary and secondary coils of my VTTC. Everything looks OK with one possible exception. The primary design says that the edge-to-edge spacing between turns should be 0.126 inches and the total primary winding height should be about 5.5 inches with 26 turns. My question involves the spacing between the primary turns. JavaTC says 0.126 inches. All of the pictures that I have seen of VTTCs seems to show tightly wound primaries with no space between them other than that afforded by the insulation. Does this seem right? I am including the JavaTC design output below for reference. Ignore the transformer section.

11/28/2017, 4:43:37 PM

Units = Inches
Ambient Temp = 68°F

Surrounding Inputs:
0 = Ground Plane Radius
0 = Wall Radius
0 = Ceiling Height

Secondary Coil Inputs:
Current Profile = G.PROFILE_LOADED
1.75 = Radius 1
1.75 = Radius 2
10 = Height 1
27 = Height 2
1005 = Turns
0.0169 = Wire Diameter

Primary Coil Inputs:
Round Primary Conductor
3.313 = Radius 1
3.313 = Radius 2
10 = Height 1
15.427 = Height 2
26.1899 = Turns
12 = Wire Awg
0 = Ribbon Width
0 = Ribbon Thickness
0.002 = Primary Cap (uF)
0 = Total Lead Length
0 = Lead Diameter

Top Load Inputs:
Toroid #1: minor=1.25, major=6.5, height=30, topload

Secondary Outputs:
377.92 kHz = Secondary Resonant Frequency
90 deg° = Angle of Secondary
17 inch = Length of Winding
59.1 inch = Turns Per Unit
0.00002 inch = Space Between Turns (edge to edge)
920.9 ft = Length of Wire
4.86:1 = H/D Aspect Ratio
33.1652 Ohms = DC Resistance
30000 Ohms = Reactance at Resonance
0.8 lbs = Weight of Wire
12.634 mH = Les-Effective Series Inductance
16.232 mH = Lee-Equivalent Energy Inductance
16.804 mH = Ldc-Low Frequency Inductance
14.038 pF = Ces-Effective Shunt Capacitance
10.926 pF = Cee-Equivalent Energy Capacitance
28.516 pF = Cdc-Low Frequency Capacitance
4.5 mils = Skin Depth
5.013 pF = Topload Effective Capacitance
133.5963 Ohms = Effective AC Resistance
225 = Q

Primary Outputs:
377.91 kHz = Primary Resonant Frequency
0 % = Percent Detuned
90 deg° = Angle of Primary
45.43 ft = Length of Wire
72.15 mOhms = DC Resistance
0.126 inch = Average spacing between turns (edge to edge)
1.514 inch = Proximity between coils
1.46 inch = Recommended minimum proximity between coils
88.921 µH = Ldc-Low Frequency Inductance
0.002 µF = Cap size needed with Primary L (reference)
0 µH = Lead Length Inductance
369.319 µH = Lm-Mutual Inductance
0.302 k = Coupling Coefficient
0.128 k = Recommended Coupling Coefficient
3.31  = Number of half cycles for energy transfer at K
4.13 µs = Time for total energy transfer (ideal quench time)

Transformer Inputs:
240 [volts] = Transformer Rated Input Voltage
14400 [volts] = Transformer Rated Output Voltage
690 [mA] = Transformer Rated Output Current
60 [Hz] = Mains Frequency
240 [volts] = Transformer Applied Voltage
20 [amps] = Transformer Ballast Current

Transformer Outputs:
9936 [volt*amps] = Rated Transformer VA
20870 [ohms] = Transformer Impedence
14400 [rms volts] = Effective Output Voltage
20 [rms amps] = Effective Transformer Primary Current
0.3333 [rms amps] = Effective Transformer Secondary Current
4800 [volt*amps] = Effective Input VA
0.1271 [uF] = Resonant Cap Size
0.1907 [uF] = Static gap LTR Cap Size
0.3314 [uF] = SRSG LTR Cap Size
458 [uF] = Power Factor Cap Size
20365 [peak volts] = Voltage Across Cap
50912 [peak volts] = Recommended Cap Voltage Rating
0.41 [joules] = Primary Cap Energy
96.7 [peak amps] = Primary Instantaneous Current
100.1 [inch] = Spark Length (JF equation using Resonance Research Corp. factors)
0 [peak amps] = Sec Base Current

Rotary Spark Gap Inputs:
1 = Number of Stationary Gaps
4 = Number of Rotating Electrodes
3600 [rpm] = Disc RPM
0.125 = Rotating Electrode Diameter
0.1563 = Stationary Electrode Diameter
9.5 = Rotating Path Diameter

Rotary Spark Gap Outputs:
4 = Presentations Per Revolution
240 [BPS] = Breaks Per Second
101.7 [mph] = Rotational Speed
4.17 [ms] = RSG Firing Rate
0.432 [ms] = Time for Capacitor to Fully Charge
5 = Time Constant at Gap Conduction
157.09 [µs] = Electrode Mechanical Dwell Time
100 [%] = Percent Cp Charged When Gap Fires
20365 [peak volts] = Effective Cap Voltage
0.41 [joules] = Effective Cap Energy
275530 [peak volts] = Terminal Voltage
100 [power] = Energy Across Gap
77.7 [inch] = RSG Spark Length (using energy equation)

Static Spark Gap Inputs:
0 = Number of Electrodes
0 [inch] = Electrode Diameter
0 [inch] = Total Gap Spacing

Static Spark Gap Outputs:
0 [inch] = Gap Spacing Between Each Electrode
0 [peak volts] = Charging Voltage
0 [peak volts] = Arc Voltage
0 [volts] = Voltage Gradient at Electrode
0 [volts/inch] = Arc Voltage per unit
0 [%] = Percent Cp Charged When Gap Fires
0 [ms] = Time To Arc Voltage
0 [BPS] = Breaks Per Second
0 [joules] = Effective Cap Energy
0 [peak volts] = Terminal Voltage
0 [power] = Energy Across Gap
0 [inch] = Static Gap Spark Length (using energy equation)
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