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Re: [TCML] Testing a tripler

The triplers are designed to work at 15kHz. Your setup likely does 60hz...


On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 10:43 AM, <mrapol@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Well, I still haven't been able to figure out if the triplers are in good
> order or not. I wasn't able to implement Carl's suggestions below due to a
> lack of an adequate power supply.
> The tripler has four inputs and one HV output. The inputs are:
> U~ is the connection for AC in
> UF is for focus control
> A is neutral or ground
> D I don't know what D is for.
> So I set my little pocket meter to measure resistance:
> the first tripler:
> U~ and A gets a reading of 1.55 megaohms
> U~ and UF    175 Ohms
> U~ and D      OL
> A and D        OL
> A and UF      1.64 megaohms
> A or U~ and the HV output is OL
> the second tripler:
> U~ and A     300.8 kOhms
> U~ and UF   5.71 kOhms
> U~ and D     OL
> A and D       OL
> A and UF     295.6 kOhms
> How do these sound?
> I'm trying to build a HV DC power supply using an ignition coil, dimmer,
> cap and tripler. Everything works fine until I add the tripler, then I seem
> to get no measurable output. I guess they're toast, but I'd appreciate any
> advice before I give up.
> Paul
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Carl Noggle" <cn@xxxxx>
> To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 12:59 PM
> Subject: Re: [TCML] Testing a tripler
>  There's a schematic at this URL--
>> http://www.google.com/imgres?**q=voltage+tripler&num=10&um=1&**
>> hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-**a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:**
>> official&biw=1680&bih=909&tbm=**isch&tbnid=50PB-rvzowc_TM:&**
>> imgrefurl=http://www.play-**hookey.com/ac_theory/ps_v_**
>> multipliers.html&docid=**QyQbSsppcH_jeM&imgurl=http://**
>> www.play-hookey.com/ac_theory/**images/rectifier_tripler.gif&**
>> w=250&h=125&ei=-ZI-**T4qEAYqyiQLasLmIAQ&zoom=1&**
>> iact=hc&vpx=394&vpy=346&dur=**608&hovh=98&hovw=197&tx=95&ty=**
>> 44&sig=113737727595651070905&**sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=81&tbnw=162&**
>> start=0&ndsp=40&ved=**0CGgQrQMwCQ<http://www.google.com/imgres?q=voltage+tripler&num=10&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1680&bih=909&tbm=isch&tbnid=50PB-rvzowc_TM:&imgrefurl=http://www.play-hookey.com/ac_theory/ps_v_multipliers.html&docid=QyQbSsppcH_jeM&imgurl=http://www.play-hookey.com/ac_theory/images/rectifier_tripler.gif&w=250&h=125&ei=-ZI-T4qEAYqyiQLasLmIAQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=394&vpy=346&dur=608&hovh=98&hovw=197&tx=95&ty=44&sig=113737727595651070905&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=81&tbnw=162&start=0&ndsp=40&ved=0CGgQrQMwCQ>
>> ( I think that's the longest one I've ever seen.)
>> Each of the diodes has about 20 junctions or so in series, so the forward
>> voltage drop is of the order of 13 volts.  The drop from U to A will be
>> about 40 volts.  If you have a power supply at voltages like this and can
>> limit the current to about one mA or less, you can test it like a
>> diode--should be a drop of tens of volts one way and open the other way. If
>> the drop is the same in both directions the tripler is hosed.
>> The D must be where the flyback xfmr feeds in.  The diodes in these units
>> can only handle about 3mA or so average current.  To get good operation,
>> the input will have to be about 5kHz or more.
>> ---Carl
>>  I was hoping for a little advice. I obtained a couple of TV voltage
>>> triplers (part number 1895-641-095). These are voltage multipliers used
>>> mainly in older TVs to boost and rectify voltage to the picture tube.
>>> They seem OK, but I'd like to test them before going to all the trouble
>>> of assembling components around them to produce HV DC. I can't seem to find
>>> specs or meter readings for them. Anyone know what values I should get
>>> testing them with a multimeter?
>>> There are four inputs: D, A, U~ and UF. UF is for focus control. U~ is
>>> the hot lead, A is neutral or ground. I'm not sure what D is for.
>>> There's one HV output. It has a suction cup connector on it, like you
>>> see on flybacks.
>>> Any tips?
>>> PBT
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