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Re: [TCML] Thumper, the worlds most advanced tesla coil.

On Wed, 09 Jun 2010 14:20:20 +0200, Michael Twieg <mdt24@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

For your shielded electronics enclosure, did you connect the shield to  
circuit's ground?  And did you tie all that to earth ground?

I never got around to implementing a grounding scheme. So everything that  
should be grounded is left floating.  =8-}
My view was, that as long as all chips _in circuit_ were tied to ground  
with bypass caps, I'd be allright.
I will, however, before the next run, tie shields, cooling fin and  
negative side of primary coil trough a 50nF bypass cap, to mains ground.  
Earth ground is usually too noisy to be of any use other than trying to  
keep the bottom of the secondary from jumping all over the place.
It would be nice if you could supply pictures from your work.

Cheers, Finn Hammer
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