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Re: [TCML] Morris and Lee

geez - if you want a little van de graff generator, I have one that I'm not using - a couple of feet high - might be the same as this one http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320472830336 though that one doesn't have dimensions - just drop me a note if you want it and we'll see what we can work out - could save you the time to build one



sheelite@xxxxxxx wrote:
re. MMC Geek thread:

I have scanned the Morris and Lee Tesla Coil plans from 1962 that
shows an mmc tank capacitor.


Regarding low-aspect ratio coils, Cunningham and Haller describe a
very-low aspect coil in their book from 1910 "The Tesla High
Frequency Coil - Its construction and Uses."  The book also describes
making the power transformer, and reprints are/were available.  I
found this book about the same time in the 60s that I discoviered M&L
(the Van De Graff generators sold by Edmunds Scientific in the 60s
were made by Morris and Lee).  One of these days, I'll finally build

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