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Fwd: [TCML] JAVATC & tuning

Thanks John for your response.  Actually, I had tuned it at pretty low input voltage from the variac, so the spark loading should have been fairly limited & likely didn't dramatically effect the number of primary turns.  When I get a chance, I'll do a scope resonance test which will hopefully help figure out the true number of secondary turns.  I guess I could also just physically count the number of turns.  On second thought, I don't have the eyesight, motor skills or patience to do an accurate count.  I'll stick with the scope.  Thanks again for your thoughts.  Dennis

John Freau:  "...JavaTC doesn't take into account spark loading.
apacitive spark loading can make the actual tune point somewhat different than
he JavaTC tune position.  As Bart mentioned, he's seen up to a 13% difference
n tune point due to spark loading.  
nyhow based on all this, my guess is that you have fewer than 1650 turns, and 
ou do indeed have heavy build insulation on your wire.  It's the spark loading 
hat's confounding everything.... " 


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