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RE: [TCML] 100kVA trannies as salvage?
Hi Scot'
the winding window is aprox. 2",...so,..i guess wire is the only option :-(
i do have enough core,....it could be built up to nearly 4"x4" !!
Thanks !
> Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 06:17:24 -0500
> From: bunnikillr@xxxxxxx
> To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [TCML] 100kVA trannies as salvage?
> CC:
> Hey David....
> Im supposing that your plans with the EI core material is to make an
> inductor....? If so, if you use the flashing, what plans do you have to
> insulate the turns/winds/wraps from each other? How thick is the center
> core of the EI assembly ( sqr. inches wise)? A rough amps per sqr. inch
> of core material is about 5A per sqr inch. So ... about 14 sqr inches of
> core should be heafty enuf to prevent saturation at 70 or so amps. When
> winding an inductor/transformer, one also needs to consider the number
> of windings needed to keep the turn to turn voltage at the required
> level. On average, it seems to be about 1-2 volts per turn. Not sure
> what it is for flat plate style... as in flashing usage. If you use the
> flashing of .012 with an insulator of .01 at 200 winds, that equates to
> about 4.5" of window width ( not height), is your EI core wide enuf
> between the center core and outer cores?
> Anyway as far as current capacity, .014 X 4" =.056 sqr inches and if my
> math was correct, thats about equal to a #2 - 3 wire. For 70ish amps, I
> believe a # 6 or 8 copper solid core wire with THHN insulation would be
> sufficeint. Using wire instead of flashing would reduce the required
> widow width by almost half...
> Scot D
> david baehr wrote:
>> I have a 10kva pig that Id like to push 'up to' 70+ amps
>> i now use a short peice of electric dryer element ( approx 3-3.5 ohms ) in a 5 gal bucket of water, it doesnt take long for the water to boil !!
>> I have a bunch of transformer ' E ' & 'I' laminations . The winding window is close to 6" tall, so i thought of using 4" wide flashing. It comes in .012" - .014" thick ??? .....not sure how much current 4" / .012" aluminum could handle ?
>> Thanks!! ,dave B
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