

Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Marco Denicolai"<Marco.Denicolai-at-tellabs.fi>
> snip
> I was thinking to build one or two bigger TCs (2-coil systems) but I am
> afraid that going bigger than a certain size I would get very easily
> strikes to the strike rail and nothing more. Is this true?

................................No, not necessarily.  R Hull

> For instance, with a TC with a secondary of 16", 48" tall (3:1):

..........................................This is almost the same size as the
old Nemesis system here in Richmond. R.

> - how long streamers do you think I could get, at  most?

..........................................Tremendously long if set up
correctly.  The 46" long wound Nemesis once did a 15 foot jump. It is all in
field control.  With this element under operator control, nonsensical jumps
quite possible. Arc lengths 4X the secondary winding length are relatively
in a well balanced system.  R. Hull

> - will I be limited by the distance to the strike-rail (is it a must to use
> 3-coil systems for long streamers)?

.................................................You will hit the strike rail,
sure,  but who cares, you will also get those long 3X and 4X arcs as well.
TC is not a classically predictable electrical engine.  Its arcs are much more
like lightning, especially with huge capacitive toploads.  Magnifiers, or
coil systems,  Will let you reach out a lot farther per unit resonator length,
but are tough to master. (even if one considers them to be  no more than a
distributed resonator.)  R.

> - how much power (kW) do you think that TC would require?

....................................................................To really
make it cook?  10-15KW and about a 60"X12" toroidal loading  (minimum)

Richard Hull, TCBOR