
Re: wether or not to mess with repotting NSTs

On Sun, 22 Nov 1998 14:21:13 -0700 in the Tesla List
Phililp Mac Duffie <shadow42-at-totcon-dot-com> wrote:

>Those little black boxes may be switching neon trannys, They usually 
>have a plastic case and a metal back with a pull chain on them for a
>switch. If they are they will not arc like an nst will so they are
>useless for TC stuff

I'm not so sure about the useless part Philip! I have a Evertron 3210 Gas
Tube Sign Power Supply Model No. BL059600 Input: 120V 60Hz 140 Watt 
Output: 4.5-0-4.5KV 25MA
The insides look very much like a T.V. H.V. flyback supply and the output
arcs just
like a normal neon sign! So it might actually work in place of a neon
sign transformer
to drive a small Tesla coil. I know it works just fine driving a Jacob's
ladder! I'll have to try it out driving a small Tesla coil, some time
over the winter. BTW this
is the first solid state neon tube supply I've found, and it was tossed
in the trash
by a local bar when the tubes on the attached sign got broken, possibly
in a brawl.
I have to thank my wife for bringing it home.

                               Alfred A. Skrocki
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