Re: Terry's GM HEI Coil
In my circuits I uses surge protectors, and my transistors don't need to
handle more than whatever. I can just use to heavy Zeners in series
oposing eachother's polarity, and MOSFETs because they can be driven by
op-amps, and put out 5 or 6 amps each. I can run them in series, and it
don't matter, or in parallel, and they don't care. I might need one to
drive a few off of an op-amp though, but that one won't even get warm.
>Original Poster: Jim Lux <jimlux-at-jpl.nasa.gov>
>Tesla List wrote:
> We don't actually need a spark gap, just a timed closure. Or
>> better yet, anyone know what cars use nowadays as far as solid-state
>> points?
>For classic electronic ignition, they use an NPN Darlington Transistor,
>typically. BVceo of 450V, If of 5A, etc.
>For a capacitive discharge, they use an inverter to charge a 1 uF cap to
>400 V, and use an SCR to discharge it through the primary.
>Now there's a triggered gap!
>> Gary Lau
>> Waltham, MA USA
>Jim Lux Jet Propulsion Laboratory
>ofc: 818/354-2075 114-B16 Mail Stop 161-213
>lab: 818/354-2954 161-110 4800 Oak Grove Drive
>fax: 818/393-6875 Pasadena CA 91109