
Re: Equa-drive system

Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: dwight duncan <duncand-at-ccsalpha2.nrl.navy.mil>
> Hello All,
>     I have incorporated my properly ballasted 5 Kva pig.  I got one of
> Richard Hulls tapes on magnifiers.  I have be building magnifiers for a
> couple of years with good luck.  Now the old system used a water pipe as
> ground, 10 kv,300ma input, and ran like a champ with an intense 6'
> streamers for 30 minutes with out  any problems.
> .
>     Anyone has a clue as to the short coming of my "up-grade".  Any help is
> as always greatly appreciated.  By the way, the TCBOR tapes are worth the
> money,  especially those of new experience to TC's.
> Thanks,
> Dwight


I would suspect your caps, or your new ballasting arrangement for the pole
pig.  Are you sure you are indeed getting 14 KV out of the thing!

Richard Hull, TCBOR