Capacitor death & VHF parasitics
>From: Dale, Martin
>Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 1998 6:51PM
>To: 'tesla-at-pupman.con'
>Subject: Capacitor death & VHF parasitics
>Hi all,
> I've been reading with interest all the posts on the list about
>commercial capacitor failures in Tesla coil circuits.
>(Sorry to hear about your unwelcome pyrotechnics Chip!)
>Has anyone looked into the possibility of VHF or even UHF ring-ups causing
>the untimely death of TC circuit components?
>I know that Terry Fritz found some high current pulses in the 50MHz region.
>(Any comments Terry?)
>VHF parasitic resonance's are a well know curse of H.F Ham band amplifier
>constructors where circuit components can literally burn up without warning
>due to such ring-ups.
>Couldn't this also happen in TC circuits?
>This is of particular interest to me as I am trying develop an effective
>choke system to run on my coils that blocks all but the 50Hz H.T supply
>My main TC seems to put out a great deal of VHF radiation, possibly due to
>excess primary tank circuit connection inductance's?
>Anyone got any thoughts on this, and/or ideas on a "perfect H.T filter" for
>use on RSG driven coils etc?
> Thanks, Martin Dale, TCBON