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[TCML] Re: Terry/lowpass filter design, OBIT

Hi Joshua,

The arcs look and sound great in this video. They grow and move vs. 
appear once and vanish. It does looks like there may be too many 
breakout/sharp points on the toroid though, and lots of energy is being 
lost. A light wrap of foil might smooth things out enough to allow 
fewer, but longer and more developed  streamers.

On 11/21/2021 4:03 PM, Joshua Thomas wrote:

<content trimmed>
> These were used with 3 between each HV rail and RF ground.  The caps caught
> on fire after short use. You can see video of that event here:
> https://youtube.com/shorts/Sx_lHwjR_bs?feature=share
> (I should likely have shut this down sooner)
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