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[TCML] Re: Terry/lowpass filter design, OBIT

Thank you!

My topload is covered with copper foil. The base is dryer tube. While
cheap, it is difficult to get a strongly smooth surface from it. I am
jealous of those who can get the smooth spun-aluminum toroids.

On the topic, can anyone recommend a service that will create secondary
coils to specification? I am fairly bad at this and itâ??s one area I would
be willing to spend a little money.

Joshua Thomas

On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 10:20 AM <pupman.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Joshua,
> The arcs look and sound great in this video. They grow and move vs.
> appear once and vanish. It does looks like there may be too many
> breakout/sharp points on the toroid though, and lots of energy is being
> lost. A light wrap of foil might smooth things out enough to allow
> fewer, but longer and more developed  streamers.
> On 11/21/2021 4:03 PM, Joshua Thomas wrote:
> <content trimmed>
> > These were used with 3 between each HV rail and RF ground.  The caps
> caught
> > on fire after short use. You can see video of that event here:
> > https://youtube.com/shorts/Sx_lHwjR_bs?feature=share
> >
> > (I should likely have shut this down sooner)
> <content trimmed>
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Joshua Thomas

My new email address is: joshuafthomas@xxxxxxxxx
Please update your information if you have not already done so.