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Re: [TCML] Quick and Cheap Toroid

On 3/13/13 11:07 AM, w5als wrote:
HI Everyone
       I don't normally post to this site because I am really new to
Tesla coiling,
but I want to through my two cents into this discussion. I use the flexible
ducting too. I try the wood center but for the time it takes to make it,
the tape you have to use, I look for a better way to do this and easier and
cheaper. I went to walmart  and bought 9in and 12in solid metal pie pans
to make my centers with and at $3 a pie pan I think it cheap. Now this
is good for 4 to 8 in toroids up to 24in. I have put pictures on my Flickr
site to see what I am doing. I also see no difference on my coil we these
than the one's made with wood and Spackle. This is me just playing with
my tesla coils.

I've always used pie pans. Either heavy duty foil ones (e.g. the Marie Callendars style) or inexpensive reusable ones.

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