I came across this web page after using goggle.
It refers to my "A)" scenario as I suspected was presented by
"bunnykiller". "Connection 3" (on the right side of the page) seems
like the best method because each 'choke' has a dedicated winding in
correspondence to each variac. Therefore a 30A variac passes thru a
#8 wire winding (well within the current capacity of the wire). Can
someone clarify the winding direction in relation to the H1,H2
winding and H3,H4 winding. I see it as if it were one center tapped
winding H2 and H3 would be tied together and be the center tap, is
this correct?The other scenario I presented used 2 chokes to feed a
3rd choke, which would see 90A max thru #8 wire. Probably a bit too
much stress.