Hi Brian,
I see a couple of problems with your technique.
The biggest problem is that the primary support strips that you made don't
adequately hold the tubing. You want a strip that you can push each
winding into, and there is stays, so you can just focus on placing the next
segment of tubing into the next strip; you don't want to have to look back
and re-do what's already been placed. I was fortunate enough to have a
machinist friend that make me some Lexan strips using a milling machine,
but if I had to, I could have made something less polished using a table
saw to cut the slots. You can see my strips (combs) at
The other problem I see is that you want more than four supports per turn,
ideally 6-8, depending on the outer diameter. The turns are just too
floppy if you only have four.
Also, I think you want to start at the inside and work your way out.