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Re: [TCML] Primary Capacitors

Hi Tom,

It is POSSIBLE to make a multi-KVA pig-powered coil MMC. For what may be the largest MMC ever built, check out 

I will not attest to the practicality of it (for other than brgging rights), just the possibility of doing it.

Matt D
In the interest of full disclosure:
1) I do not sell, broker, or have any financial interest in the sale of any type of Capacitors.
2) I am a member of the Geek Group.

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Schmit <Thomas.Schmit@xxxxxxx>
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tue, Apr 13, 2010 12:55 pm
Subject: RE: [TCML] Primary Capacitors

Thanks! Glad to hear this now and not after ordering a bunch of little caps ;-) 
ooks like I'm back to shopping around.

ut of curiosity, wouldn't the peak current of a string of caps be multiplied by 
he number of strings in parallel? So you could get to the 3500 amp by having 
oughly 8 strings in parallel? Of course, you still have all the connections to 
orry about.

From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx on behalf of DC Cox
ent: Tue 4/13/2010 11:04 AM
o: Tesla Coil Mailing List
ubject: Re: [TCML] Primary Capacitance Calculations - "Black Boxes"

Using MMCs with a pole xmfr will present problems.  Too many lead
onnections lead to high relative inductance thus limiting peak currents in
he discharge cycle.  Also, MMCs are not designed to handle the large peak
Best to use a hi-Q factor energy discharge cap rated to do the job ----
inimal internal connections that are accomplished with the extended foil
esign connections.  Typical is a wide foil area with very low inductance
onnections which permit high peak currents.
A typical pole xmfr powered coil, operating with a .06 uF 80 kV energy
ischarge capacitor will see peak currents of 3,500 Amps (or more) in the
ischarge cycle.  Typically these pulses occur at around 400 pulses per
econd for best coil performance which again would be a serious strain for
n MMC which is rated at 432 Amps peak (max).
Dr. Resonance
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