I see where you're going with this Brian. Seems like a much more
efficient means of utilizing the radiant energy that would normally be
wasted from the primary. If you had the secondaries arranged in a
circular pattern and used spherical toploads, you could use breakout
points aiming say 30 degrees from vertical and have them all pointing
towards the center to make a sort of cone shaped frame of lightning.
Perhaps have a grounded sphere above to strongly attract the streamers.
Build it bro, and show us the results.
I don't know about the magnetic focusing. You will need an extremely
large amount of magnetic energy to deflect a streamer.
You could perhaps have the top of all of the secondaires connected to
one large toroid...maybe put it into a magnifier coil too..but
magnifiers are beyond my scope of knowledge.
Experiment...there is nothing more rewarding or educational than coming
up with your own ideas and then manifesting/building its physical
Good luck!
Shannon Weinhold
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Hall [mailto:brianh4242@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:54 AM
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [TCML] Magnetron type resonance applied to LC circuits as used
I recently (and safely) took apart an old broken microwave, to get the
nice wire from the fan (MUCH easier to get to than from a CRT! Thank you
for the tip!), discharged the cap (2200v @ 1uf, any tips on what to use
that for are welcome), and the MOT.
I also removed the magnetron, and after a little research, read how the
HV in the center resonates with the chanels similar to how LC circuits,
not so different than how the LC's in tesla coils resonate at a certian
frequency ...
Has anyone tried having some kind of magnetron type arrangement with
tesla coil parts? For example, a vertical primary and tank circuit in
the center, then then a ring of vertical secondaries and toroids around
it? Like stonehenge but with the center pillar creating resonance with
the outer ring of identical pillars. And then perhaps even a strong
magnetic field above and below, to chanel the output of the secondaries
and then direct it out of one particular secondary/topload to some kind
of beam or super-spark?
Or any thoughts on such an arangement I think would be fascinating to
Brian Hall
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