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Re: [TCML] MOT Measurements

Hi John,

Yes, the load impedance of a coil is something else I want to look at as it will affect the output voltage. I do expect each transformer to have it's own "amount" of change in leakage inductance, but I also expect say a Franceformer of 15/30 to be very similar to other 15/30's of the same model with only slight variation. However, another brand name 15/30 will no doubt have different curves, but still react similarly. Actually, I have a couple Franceformers which are the same rating, so that may be a reason to check both.

I guess what I'm more concerned with is if we build say an LTR cap at 1.5 x Cres or whatever; we have some expectations. I'm curious as to how close we hit the mark or if it's possible that we are off enough that we are really 1.8 x Cres, 1.2 x Cres, etc.. Hopefully, at rated input, it will not vary much. The worst case would be if it is low on Cres. Bps would increase quite a bit due to the degree of resonant charging and also the transformers themselves are in danger (unknowingly). I personally strive for 1.4 x Cres, but what if the transformer is actually resonant? Those are the kind of things to look at and it's easy enough to do the measurements and run the data to be sure. I don't expect this to upset the apple cart on spark length as it's based on power, but it may affect settings outward (the gap). Maybe not.

Again, I hope it works out that it's close to expected at rated input. We can concentrate mainly at 100V through 140V input and at least get an idea of what to expect. 50Hz 230V coilers could expect the same (however it works out).

Take care,

futuret@xxxxxxx wrote:

Various NST's behave in various ways regarding resonant points with various
sized caps, etc.  Lou Balint of PA did some work on this a few years ago.
He wrote up a paper of his findings. It's not on the internet though. In any
case it would seem that some resonant charging does occur using our
cap values in some cases, perhaps especially when the NSTs are
overvolted if I remember correctly. It's been years since I reviewed the work
so I don't remember much about it.  I don't remember if he loaded the
transformers, I don't think he did.

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