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Re: [TCML] MMC building - some questions
You can do that, but the voltage won't divide evenly across the string. The parallel pair will drop less voltage, leaving the rest of the string to pick up the extra voltage. It's a simple relationship. As C goes up, Xc goes down, and lower Xc implies a smaller voltage drop.
--- On Sun, 10/5/08, Thomas Ryckmans <thomas.ryckmans@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> From: Thomas Ryckmans <thomas.ryckmans@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [TCML] MMC building - some questions
> To: "'Tesla Coil Mailing List'" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>, tcbouklist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Sunday, October 5, 2008, 7:00 AM
> Hello,
> I am now building my MMC. From previous JavaTC calculation,
> I need about
> 0.013 uF to reach resonance. Since I am using CDE
> capacitors
> 942C20P15K-F (2000Vdc 0.15 uF) I would need a single string
> of 11 caps to
> reach 0.013 uF and have a (recommended) voltage rating of
> 22kV.
> Since 1/Ctotal =1/C1+1/C2+... 1/C11 I have
> 1/Ctotal = 11/Cn = 0.0136 uF
> The question is: can I put ONE extra cap in parallel with
> another within the
> string to tweak the total capacitance if needed? In effect,
> one cap in the
> string becomes a larger cap, with twice the value at 0.3 uF
> 1/Ctotal = 1/C1+1/C2+. 1/C11 with say, C1= 0.3 uF and the
> others at 0.15 uF
> Then 1/Ctotal = 0.01428 uF
> A small sketch is here:
> http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/Thomas.Ryckmans/TeslaStuff#5253637874954130130
> Could this be an easy way to tweak my tank cap value,
> adding caps in
> parallel to caps in the initial string to a max possible of
> 0.027 (which is
> equivalent to two strings in parallel)
> Many thanks
> Thomas
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