Original poster: "resonance" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxxxx>I use 7 total gaps for a 12/60 nst system and 4 total gaps for a 12/30 system. Use a 100 cfm blower fan on a 6 inch ID PVC tube with the copper pipe sections, 3 inches long x 3/4 inch, mounted inside. I will send you some photos off-list as a guide.
The small tungsten gap will work but overheating on runs over 10-15 seconds could cause a quenching (unable to properly disconnect the pri to allow ringing in the sec coil) problem.
Dr. Resonance
Speaking of which, I'm making a static gap for my small scale TC now. It's a little 4" secondary with 1700 turns. I was planning on a two gap spark gap using the those evil thoriated tungsten rods. Any thoughts on the number of gaps that should be used for best quenching in a little 15/30 TC? For that matter, is a fan really necessary at this low level? Tony