Original poster: "resonance" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxxxx>The small tungstens will work but you probably will not hit optimum spark output.
The parallel copper tube gap works better because it offers faster quenching (pri shutoff) and allows the sec coil to ring free without trying to transfer energy back into the pri. Most nst systems actually ring out perhaps 3-5 envelopes and reducing this helps performance.
Dr. Resonance
I use 7 total gaps for a 12/60 nst system and 4 total gaps for a 12/30 system. Use a 100 cfm blower fan on a 6 inch ID PVC tube with the copper pipe sections, 3 inches long x 3/4 inch, mounted inside. I will send you some photos off-list as a guide.The small tungsten gap will work but overheating on runs over 10-15 seconds could cause a quenching (unable to properly disconnect the pri to allow ringing in the sec coil) problem.Dr. ResonanceSpeaking of which, I'm making a static gap for my small scale TC now. It's a little 4" secondary with 1700 turns. I was planning on a two gap spark gap using the those evil thoriated tungsten rods. Any thoughts on the number of gaps that should be used for best quenching in a little 15/30 TC? For that matter, is a fan really necessary at this low level? Tony