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RE: [TCML] pole xfmr (getting one, prices, etc.)
-----Original Message-----
>From: "J. Aaron Holmes" <jaholmes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Dec 5, 2007 11:22 PM
>To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: RE: [TCML] pole xfmr (getting one, prices, etc.)
>Hi Jim:
>No argument there; It's certainly true that it won't
>work for everybody, but then I doubt if most people
>even bother asking, either! I wouldn't think of
>paying for shipping on one of these until I'd called
>around locally and been totally blown off and/or hung
>up on. Two of the three I called *have* sold to me,
>one very regularly.
It does vary a lot, regionally.
>Regarding transformer recycling and rebuilding: Those
>places which do contract out disposal and recycling of
>transformers might do so only for oil-filled units, as
>is the case for one of the two I've dealt with.
>Recycling the smaller, dry-type potential transformers
>seems to be less usual, so if you do go asking around
>and are interested in both types, be sure to indicate
>that (again, in whatever manner is least likely to
>brand you an idiot). They may be willing to sell
>potential transformers even if contracts forbid the
>sale of "pole pigs".
Good point, epoxy encapsulated potential transformers don't present the legal and environmental hazards as oil filled units that might be contaminated with PCBs.
>I would finish by saying that utility salvage yards
>aren't just about transformers either! If your
>interests include insulators, cut-outs, lightning
>arresters, capacitors, etc., you may even have better
>luck than in your search for transformers.
This is very true. Periodic trips to the LA DWP salvage yard out in Sun Valley (Behind the power plant with 4 stacks, for those that are locals) have been very productive over the years, particularly for HV structural stuff (like post insulators, and so forth).
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