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[TCML] stupid!!!! -- Explained
Hi Duncan,
A few years back the same subject came up on the list
but I never got around to posting on the subject. I
too herd of the "healing" tesla coil rumors but
couldn't find any reasonable explanations on any of
the web sites selling these coils. So I decided to do
a serious information search on the subject.
Well as it turns out there is some validity to these
early claims. All of us here know quite well what
electrical resonance is all about, but we often forget
about mechanical resonance. Every structure in the
universe has some kind of natural vibrational mode, a
resonance frequency at which the object will continue
to oscillate at greater and greater amplitude when
properly driven. At some point the structure will
mechanically fail do to the forces flowing through it.
And this can be anything from a molecule to an
airplane wing to the cellular membrane of a living
cell. It's
vary similar to those old memorex commercials where
the singing lady hits a high note and the wine glass
Now as it turns out many of the disease symptoms we
suffer from are caused by pathogens attacking our
bodies, and these insights have only recently been
known by mainstream medicine, hence antibiotics. These
bugs whether they be viruses, fungus's or bacteria all
have characteristic resonant frequencies. They span
from around 100 Hz for slime molds up to about 500kHz
for tape worms. And the higher frequency range is
easily achievable by the average tesla coil. But the
key part here is the human cells resonance, which
spans from 1.5MHz to 9.5MHz, quite a bit higher than
the pathogens that afflict us. And so if you were
being exposed to a coils RF field, the frequency being
the same as your pathogen's, the bug would have its
structure ripped apart but your body's cells would be
unharmed. This is how these interesting tesla coils
actually worked.
The TC's in question were similar to what we build
today with a few notable differences. First off they
didn't produce streamers, the power levels were kept
pretty tame by our standards. And secondly the coils
had non-quenching spark gaps, usually just two
sharpened brass rods about 1/8" apart. As we know this
allows the primary and secondary to exchange energy
back and forth producing a long duration damped
oscillation. Great for making lots of RF waves. The
idea is that you stand next to the secondary and let
the radio waves couple to your body, this produces
electricity in your tissues by induction, if the
frequency is just right your bugs die off and the
symptoms you had disappear.
The main problem with this scheme is all the "if's"
involved, first-off your disease must be caused by a
pathogen, and secondly you have to tune your coil at
just the right frequency to eliminate the bug. This is
why the coils were labeled a fraud, it's an extremely
hit and miss sorta thing, mostly miss. And I agree
that the modern coils being advertised today probably
don't work as claimed. Added to this is all the
oddball pseudo-science talk on these sites, it really
doesn't do Tesla and his work any justice.
Long live Mr. T!!
Take care:
----Matt Cortner----
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