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Re: is this the correct piggy?

Original poster: "Gerry  Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Ben,

See interspersed comments.

Original poster: ben eells <squeels2171@xxxxxxxxx>

Thanks to everyone who responded. I always appreciate the feedback. So the pig only puts out 7.2kv, if it's rated at 15kva then what it's lacking in voltage it should be able to make up for in current right? Would running this transformer at 15kva with a relatively low voltage but higher current be a problem? I'll be using a SRSG by the way.

Yes and No. If I assume the real power draw is 15KW (resonable assumtion for a 120 BPS SRSG), then the bang energy needs to be the same as with a 14.4KV PIG, 15KVA, using a SRSG at 120 pps. As the voltage drops the V^2 portion of 1/2 CV^2 drops by one fourth so the C needs to be four times larger at half the voltage(everything else the same). Read this as twice the cost of your tank cap. If you use a ARSG at say 400 pps and keep this presentation rate the same between the two examples, the same thing can be said. If you dont increase the cap, then the average BPS would need to increase to balance the energy flow rate and this means a higher Irms thru the caps and is potentially another cost increase in the capacitance..

From what I understand I should be able to get the same performance from this pig as I could get from a 15kva pig that supplies 12 or 14 kv.

Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Original poster: "J. Aaron Holmes"


I'd go for the Dr. R. pig if you can afford the
shipping (if you're on his "route", all the better).

Contrary to what is said below, the pig you're
referring to will only do 7.2kV, *not* 12.47kV. When
dealing with single-phase transformers like this one,
the "Y" rating (e.g., 12470Y) should be universally
ignored by Tesla coilers, as it applies only when
multiple transformers are interconnected and used to
supply three-phase power. Only in very rare instances
(e.g., if you're building a monster DC coil like
Electrum) would you be using multiple pigs in such a
configuration. Otherwise, just pretend the "Y" rating
is not there, as it really has nothing to do with any
situation involving only one single-phase pig.

All that said, a number of folks (I remember
specifically Aron and Justin of hvguy.com) have
over-volted their 7.2kV pigs, i.e., by putting 240V
across the 120V lugs. This will make your 7.2kV pig
put out 14.4kV, however it will do so only with great
risk to your pig's health. A friend of mine did this
with a 14.7kV pig, achieving nearly 30kV, however
while running his coil this way, the pig flashed over
internally and was ruined. Ruining hard-to-find
components is bad enough, but what do you do with a
half-ton paperweight? (this was a 25kVA transformer!)

Aaron, N7OE

--- Tesla list wrote:

> Original poster: "resonance"
> This will work as a good deal as long as it is
> "certified/tested PCB
> free". If not, we carry them for $125 so a short
> pickup truck or van
> ride to Wis. Dells, WI would get you on the boat.
> Our xmfrs put out
> 14.4 kV as opposed to the 12.470 kV this unit is
> rated at.
> Dr. Resonance
> >I found this Indiana based company called Equipment
> Resale Inc.
> >selling pole pigs as well as other transformers. I
> live close enough
> >to this location that it's reasonable for me to go
> pick one up but
> >first, if someone who knows more about pole pigs
> than I do can take
> >a look at this pig and confirm that it is the
> correct pig for
> >coiling applications I would appreciate it. I'd
> hate to go drop
> >$300.00 on this thing only to find out that I can't
> use it for some
> >reason. I realize I could use a transformer smaller
> than 15KVA but i
> >chose this model because (I think) it matches the
> 15KVA pig outside
> >my house. The website is here.
> >
> >
> >If there are any other coilers or HV enthusiast in
> or around Indiana
> >you might want to check this place out if you're
> looking for a
> >transformer. The transformer I'm referring to is
> 1/3 of the way down
> >the page marked:
> >
> > 0015 15 KVA Westinghouse Pole Mount Transformer
> >4 available, $300 each, Single phase, S/N
> G534157-66Y, 15kva,
> >voltage rating 7200/12470Y-120/240, 60 cyc, /YD
> item

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