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RE: need some capacitor help

Original poster: Jim Lux <jimlux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

At 02:57 PM 11/13/2006, you wrote:
Original poster: russell dischar <hightechredneck2005@xxxxxxxxx>

thanks for the help so far
it is a 30 ma 9000v nst. I currently have a static gap with seven pieces of 3/4 copper pipe they are set about .1 inches apart.
That's a fine gap.  And it's adjustable too, by just shorting out a 
few of the gaps.  A small muffin fan blowing through the pipes will 
greatly improve the performance.
what would be a good total gap length for me?
Whatever the transformer will just fire at full output, without any 
other stuff hooked up.

i also just got in 20 20kv 1000pf ceramic disc capacitors. could these be be used for my coil.

You can try them, but most ceramic disc capacitors can't take the RF current. Transmitting doorknobs are a bit better (but pricey if bought new).
The preferred capacitor is a series string of 0.15 uF 2000V 
polypropylene capacitors of the appropriate type (not all PP caps are 
the same).  Google for "tesla mmc", or someone will nodoubt post a 
link to a MMC calculator.
The caps will cost you about $2-$3 each from a variety of 
sources.  10 of them in series would be 0.015 uF and be VERY 
conservatively rated for your application (20kV nameplate rating, in 
reality, they'll work at more)
i am trying to use the tesla coil designer javascript program it seems to be a really good tool.
thanks again