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Re: ASRG blowing diodes

Original poster: David Speck <Dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


If the flex conduit is metallic, its effects are hard to predict. There is that nasty little detail called the Blumlein effect. The difference may be something as simple as the orientation of your power leads relative to the coil Think of how the reception of a weak station on your portable radio changes as you move from one place to another.

Tesla list wrote:
Original poster: "MIKE HARDY" <MHARDY@xxxxxxxxxx>

Thanks everyone for all the great advice! I don't have any filter caps after
the bridge. I'll try a large electrolytic, with a HF bypass cap as
suggested, and a line filter. I reallky don't know the exact value of my
bridge, as far as voltage rating, just that it works, so I need to see if
it's a much higher rating than required. I do have the hash filter you
describe DC, on the output of my PT, and the 'low' side of the HV output
tied to RF ground also. Again the thing I find peculiar, is that my rotary
ps worked fine for many hours previously a few weeks back, at my friend
Stans place up north. Does anyone think that flex conduit might be
contributing to the problem?