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Re: ASRG blowing diodes
Original poster: "MIKE HARDY" <MHARDY@xxxxxxxxxx>
Thanks everyone for all the great advice! I don't have any filter caps after
the bridge. I'll try a large electrolytic, with a HF bypass cap as
suggested, and a line filter. I reallky don't know the exact value of my
bridge, as far as voltage rating, just that it works, so I need to see if
it's a much higher rating than required. I do have the hash filter you
describe DC, on the output of my PT, and the 'low' side of the HV output
tied to RF ground also. Again the thing I find peculiar, is that my rotary
ps worked fine for many hours previously a few weeks back, at my friend
Stans place up north. Does anyone think that flex conduit might be
contributing to the problem?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 6:43 AM
Subject: ASRG blowing diodes
> Original poster: "MIKE HARDY" <MHARDY@xxxxxxxxxx>
> I recently put a AR propeller gap on my 6", 4 kVA coil. It performs
> very well, Had some 9 foot ground strikes tonight. I run a 28V, 1.5A,
> 3600 rpm dc motor. Powered by a 6A variac into a 120 to 24 V 5A step
> down tranny into a full bridge rectifier (20 A, 200V). This should
> easilly run this, and it did for many hours. Varying the speed really
> does some interesting things to the character of the streamers! I
> decided to run the 24 line to the motor thru some flexible conduit
> that I grounded to RF ground (in case of streamer strikes). After a
> short time on the 4th, it poped the 2 A slowblow fuse, then stopped
> all together. I found that half the bridge shorted, overheating the
> tranny some. Replaced the bridge, ran it for 3 hours (not hooked to
> the coil) at nominal line voltage, and all was fine. Ran the coil
> again tonight, and after a few minutes it blew again! Oh by the way,
> I didn't ground the flex conduit this time. How do others deal with
> this, is my problem unique?