Original poster: "resonance" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Just rectify it. That's all you need to spray a VDGRF belt. We use
5 kV, 2 mA xmfrs to spray belts up to 30 inches wide when rectified
--- it only takes 200-500 uA with a 30inch wide belt and only 100 uA
DC with a 6-8 inch wide belt. See our model HV-750 (750 kV DC 30 uA
output) at our website www.resonanceresearch.com.
Dr. Resonance
Original poster: Ed Phillips <evp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Had trouble downloading the catalog so couldn't find out if those
things are used with esternal rectifiers. Any idea? I have a unit
which appears identical - picked it up at a swap meet years
ago. It was supposed to have come from a Xerox machine. I think
with a voltage multiplier it would be neat for charging VDG belts.