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Re: SISG - PIRANHA Tesla coil first light!

Original poster: Vardan <vardan01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


At 05:25 PM 8/27/2006, you wrote:
Hi Terry,

Nice to see you are still refining the SISG design. I like your clever idea of using the brass bolts to adjust the Sidac firing voltage, why not set up a switch bank for the lazy...

Probably could, the peak current in the trigger circuit is 100 amps+ and the inductance needs to be real low since it needs to react in 100nS or so. But small higher current switches really close could be used.

My question: what parts are you waiting on for your full-power test? The resistors?

Yes, the 500 ohm resistors get too hot and don't allow it to fire right. It really needs the 100 ohm ones.

Do you still have the older SISG schematics on your site? I misplaced my copies, and would like to compare your latest schematic with the previous ones.





As a public service announcement for any new coilers to this list,
what would be the consequences of being hit by the streamer output of your fearful "PIRANHA" and its high currents. Would this design be ideal for first time builders?

It is a very efficient high powered coil that has little between the output and the high voltage. If the primary to secondary arcs over, you are pretty much "holding" the MOT output. There is practically "NO" current limiting!!! If you mess it up just right, it might pack 20 joules on those giant primary caps!!

I was thinking of putting the primary coil under a 1/4 inch lexan sheet to help isolate the deadly charging circuit. With a new secondary, the coupling would still be high enough.

It is probably not much more basically dangerous than any MOT coil, but the BPS is high and the streamer length is high too. It also goes from dead still to full power in literally 1uS with no warning.

So it is certainly no NST system and less than a pig system. A high powered MOT system.

Probably the greatest problem is that it is "different" than what one my be used too. Unlike most coils, it is really "on" or "off". The control is pretty much a "switch". You can run it at lower power but it does not "start up slow" like most coils do. If it is arcing too long or something goes wrong, only hitting the "off" will stop it...

So basically, you want to stand far back ;-))


