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Re: Tesla Coil RF Transmitter

Original poster: Ed Phillips <evp@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Two issues to bring up. First, earth as a resonator:

Standing waves are THE definition of resonance in a sphere. There is
no known mechanism by which a sphere can show increased response to
certain frequencies, and not have standing waves"

	Don't confuse resonance with standing waves.  A circuit is resonant
whether or not there's any excitation. Continuous excitation at a
resonant frequency will indeed produce "modes" or, if you will, standing
waves but the two phenomena are different.  Standing waves represent
interference between two waves, direct and reflected.

"The only reason you don't want to accept that the earth resonates, is
that you are not comfortable with the implication: global power
distribution. You say the attenuation is too great, that the earth
has a low Q. But if waves don't make it all the way around the earth,
there are no standing waves. And without standing waves, there is no
resonance. Without resonance, the earth would have equal frequency
response to all frequencies, BUT IT DOESN'T!"

	Same comment,  standing waves imply excitation and can be the result of
resonance, not the cause.  The broad bandwidth (and very tiny amplitude
inspite of the large exciting power) of the Schumann resonances indicate
low Q and very lossy propagation, completely in disagreement with what
Tesla HOPED would be true.  If he had been even remotely right we'd see
much stronger and much narrower lines.
