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Re: Tesla's CS Coil Data from ScanTesla and all....

Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Chris,

At 02:54 PM 6/26/2005, you wrote:
Hi Terry,

I think Tesla knew what he was doing, and he has mentioned on several occasions the need for a properly tuned system, indeed I find it hard to believe that he would have been able to generate 100ft streamers by simply throwing more power at it.

Taking into accounts the dimensions of Tesla's lab, photos, etc., it appears the longest arcs Tesla achieved were about 32 feet. Tesla "speculated" on far greater distances that were "reported" as fact on many occasions, but it was really about 32 feet.

"The adjustments are such that the reservoir is filled full and bursts at each alternation just at the moment when the electrical pressure reaches the maximum. The discharge escapes with a deafening noise, striking an unconnected coil twenty-two feet away, and creating such a commotion of electricity in the earth that sparks an inch long can be drawn from a water main at a distance of three hundred feet from the laboratory.

It was a wild place ;-))

I have produced electrical discharges the actual path of which, from end to end, was probably more than one hundred feet long" - Probelm of Incresing human energy Tesla.

I would not take technical quotes from "Problem of Increasing human energy" to seriously... "Actual path" has a lot of twisted meanings... Bill Wysock's coil can hit a target a solid 59 feet distant...

Assuming 100ft = 40 Meters and dialectric breakdown of air is 3 x 10^6 V/m then that would mean a potential of 13.3MV.

No. Streamers make ionized high conductivity trails. They act like wires for most of the distance. If Tesla had a 153nF primary cap charged to 50kV, in order to make 13.3MV the terminal capacitance would have to be SQRT(50/13300) x 153e-9 = 9.3 pF... Not possible... Long streamer need extreme power, not extreme voltage...

Is he making this up, or are we missing something important here?

In the years following Colorado Springs, Tesla gave a lot of interviews that were "translated" in many funny ways by folks that had no idea what he was talking about... Best to rely on direct quotes or secondary information form technical people...




Chris Rutherford