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Re: Tesla's CS Coil Data from ScanTesla and all....

Original poster: "Malcolm Watts" <m.j.watts@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Time for some careful (re) reading:

On 26 Jun 2005, at 15:05, Tesla list wrote:

> Original poster: "Chris Rutherford" <chris1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi Terry,
> I think Tesla knew what he was doing, and he has mentioned on several
> occasions the need for a properly tuned system, indeed I find it hard
> to believe that he would have been able to generate 100ft streamers by
> simply throwing more power at it.

So do I. In fact he didn't.

> "The adjustments are such that the reservoir is filled full and bursts
> at each alternation just at the moment when the electrical pressure
> reaches the maximum. The discharge escapes with a deafening noise,
> striking an unconnected coil twenty-two feet away, and creating such a
> commotion of electricity in the earth that sparks an inch long can be
> drawn from a water main at a distance of three hundred feet from the
> laboratory.

No relevance there to sparklength off the actual coil. Pulling small
sparks off objects some distance from the coil is nothing new to most
coilers. Tesla's machine was also in somewhat intimate contact with
the water mains which he used to water his ground.

> I have produced electrical discharges the actual path of which, from
> end to end, was probably more than one hundred feet long" - Probelm of
> Incresing human energy Tesla.

End to end: Try from one side of the lab to the other. Halve that
distance for sparks from the coil to one side of the lab. Subtract
the radius of the coil and you're getting close. Read further and he
specifically mentions unravelling the loops anmd twists in the
sparks, something no present coiler does when claiming a strike


> Assuming 100ft = 40 Meters and dialectric breakdown of air is 3 x
> 10^6 V/m then that would mean a potential of 13.3MV.
> Is he making this up, or are we missing something important here?
> Thanks
> Chris Rutherford
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> To:
> <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 7:22 AM Subject:
> Tesla's CS Coil Data from ScanTesla and all....
> >Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> >Hi All,
> >
> >I ran the parameters for Tesla's Colorado Springs coil through
> >MandK3.1 and E-Tesla6 to get better numbers to feed
> >ScanTesla-TRSSTC...
> >
> >All the horrific details are here:
> >
> >http://drsstc.com/~terrell/modeling/Teslas-CScoil.ZIP
> >
> >Losses went way down and the capacitance of his secondary coil went
> >way up... But overall, things did not change much. The heavy ring
> >in the secondary coil went away now. The secondary coil seems to be
> >able to isolate itself from the primary and tertiary tuned circuits
> >to ring-on for a long time. But I doubt if Tesla coil was tuned as
> >well as the computer can tune things ;-))
> >
> >http://hot-streamer.com/temp/TCSCoilVoltages-02.gif
> >
> >Tesla coil probably never made over 300,000 Volts!!! The higher BPS
> >and short burst time along with 50+++kW input pushed the streamers
> >out even though the efficiency was only about 11.6%!! Talk about
> >throwing a few tens of kilowatts at it to make up for that ;-)) Hard
> >to say where the LERT was... Primary inductance is hard to say for
> >one turn... I bet a lot of loss went into the Earth under the
> >primary/secondary coil... The very short burst time would have loved
> >high BPS rates...
> >
> >I bet he pushed the BPS rate "way up" to overcome the coils energy
> >losses... That would have been his perfect path for longer streamer
> >given what he had going there... He had high losses but lots of
> >power and a short powerful burst... His streamer would have
> >increased in length as a direct function of BPS until something like
> >the power plant blew up :o)) I am thinking his longer streamer must
> >have been help by short LERT cases...
> >
> >Hard to say how "true" any of this is... But it represents
> >"quadrillions" of calculations from the best programs out there this
> >night...
> >
> >-------------------------
> >ScanTesla V-TRSSTC-7.30 June 23, 2005 Terry Fritz
> >Goal = 9.137594838 Maxium Load Energy
> >Goal Time = 1.000000e-003
> >Model Number = 56
> >Goal Number = 56
> >
> >Cprimary = 1.530000e-007
> >Lprimary = 1.775000e-005
> >Rprimary = 1.500000e+000
> >Coupling = 0.563300
> >Csecondary = 1.500000e-009
> >Lsecondary = 9.622000e-003
> >Rsecondary = 6.100000e+000
> >Ltertiary = 1.591100e-002
> >Ctertiary = 1.100000e-010
> >Rtertiary = 9.400000e+000
> >Cload = 0.300000e-010
> >Rload = 2.200000e+005
> >BPS = 600.000000
> >Dwell Time = 0.300000e-003
> >
> >Ilprimay Maximum = -3091.658812
> >ICprimary RMS = 165.045753
> >VCprimary Maximum = 31978.499678
> >VCsecondary Maximum = -106168.996121
> >VCtertiary Maximum = -314947.316931
> >Coil Power = 47001.600000 Primary Bang Energy = 78.336000
> >Load Power = 5482.556903 Load Bang Energy = 9.137595
> >Primary F0 = 96577.339544
> >Load Energy Rise Time (Sec) = 2.944000e-004
> >Models Tested = 201
> >-----------------------------
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >Terry
> >
> >