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Re: ScanTesla700 - Now were playing with power :-)

Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Mike,

Tesla should have made it a DRSSTC :o))))

The program only does a conventional two coil system at the moment and Tesla's coil was a three coil magnifier type system. "I" am not sure even what model to use there, but Antonio has worked much in the three coil area...

If the Antonio Engine were modified for a three coil system, adding the extra elements to the rest of the program would be very easy. One may be able to simply make the extra elements null values so the two coil case could still run under the same program... It would really be very easy to implement once the base model is known...

Of course, the real challenge first was just to get "any program" to "work". Now we seem to have gotten there and can think about where to go next. The streamer dynamic load model seems to get a lot of attention too...

I think we should slow down a little and let folks catchup and play with the program and see where they want it to go next. I have spent all week working on it and I know there are folks trying to catch up, so I wish to give them a chance, and for me to "rest" (I never really rest ;-))

It is probably best not to go drastically changing the program at this point unless a little bug pops up... Keeping the program in one place allows others to come up to speed without trying to hit a moving target... I want to spend time now "playing" with the program rather than changing it :-)) Like Steve Conner, I also have to "fix" my DRSSTC to be as good as Steve Ward's >:o))) Scan Tesla shows us some pretty obvious improvements that need to be made!!!

I ponder the contour plots... The DRSSTC seems to be so much better in every way...... What do all the surfaces mean....

BTW - The www.drsstc.com server and the www.hot-streamer.com server have their bandwidth now ;-)) I can also answer question off-list if anyone has any about the program.



At 06:12 PM 6/21/2005, you wrote:
Hi Terry,
Now that you have the cool program running to play "what if" on the coil data, I really do wonder how it thinks it would improve on Tesla's CS coil that was duplicated as close as could be (the 51 feet diameter one). As you have a lot of data on that coil, could you run this beast through the computer and see what it would have done different? (well, besides being a DRSSTC to begin with).
----- Original Message ----- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: ScanTesla700 - Now were playing with power :-)

Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>