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Re: ScanTesla700 - Now were playing with power :-)
- To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: ScanTesla700 - Now were playing with power :-)
- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 15:05:20 -0600
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- Resent-date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 15:21:32 -0600 (MDT)
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Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Malcolm,
The stupid MathCad will not label the axis with the text I want :-p I did
"try"... I have not upgraded recently ;-)
OpenOffice has trouble with axis labels too... I might have to breakdown
and load stupid Excel again.... At least the colors and all are pretty ;-))
Here is a nice DRSSTC primary bang chart it made though:
The time axis is a little messed up since it is in scientific
notation... It goes from 0 to 500uS. I should have converted it... I am
not too good at spreadsheets either :o) I note OpenOffice cost $500 LESS
than the others though ;-)) I use it for most stuff now...
The blue line shows the input voltage powering up the primary capacitor
voltage (purple) and then the driver turns off and takes the extra energy
back to the buss storage caps as shown buy the red.
This is just playing with the waveforms.csv file in the spreadsheet program.
I did fix the "Vin" file header error in V7.01:
I am very pleased with the program!! It now does everything I had ever
hoped for when I started! Mark did send a nice model for primary resistance:
I ordered that $135 "Spark Discharge" book I always wanted too ;-)))
BTW - The program thinks Steve's coil should be tuned for a primary
inductance of 13.5uH and a coupling of 0.178... The streamer energy rise
is a nice straight line there giving a very good rise time. The efficiency
of the coil (Freau number) is max there too... It will be a little
sensitive in that area, so a little fiddling is needed ;-)) Assuming the
actual coil is nice enough to agree, the program seems to be able to find
the optimal tuning and all like it was hoped. Speed does not seem to be a
big problem at all since only a few of the parameters are typically scanned.
So far so good!!
At 11:10 PM 6/20/2005, you wrote:
Hi Terry,
Great looking depictions. Although some are obvious,
labelling the axes would add meaning to others I think.
On 20 Jun 2005, at 21:44, Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi Steve,
> I put in grid lines and reduced the K range so the chart are much