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Re: Streamer length vs. power delivery time...

Original poster: Steve Conner <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Wow! I'm amazed by how this computer modelling stuff has developed! Steve's DRSSTC-1 is pretty crazy now too :-o He's getting what, 72" at 1kW? My DRSSTC can barely make half that- as soon as I "Give it some gas" it just flashes over. I removed all the plastic insulation from the primary, but it made no difference to the flashover point either way.

I would try running ScanTesla on my coil but I don't think I need to- I've already guessed from Terry's work on Steve's coil, that my coupling is twice as tight as it should be and my tank capacitor 3 times too small :(

I was chasing down that funny ripple effect on my DC bus voltage- the one that Terry said "Fix it"- and it turned out that the busbars and bypassing caps self-resonate at just over twice the operating frequency. The current drawn by the H-bridge has a strong component at 2f that kicks it all into resonance. If I ever did hit the resonant frequency exactly it would probably blow itself into the middle of next week! So it's off the air until I get that fixed.

Steve Conner