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RE: lighting things (II) Re: No Free Energy was Re: SSTC design procedure

Original poster: davep-at-quik-dot-com 

 > I wouldn't say 'wirelessly.'
    I suggest that unless its wired, it's wireless...

 > The approach I remember reading about the
 > author claimed to have achieved very high efficiencies by using a wire
 > run parallel to and in close proximity with several fluorescent tubes.
   Claims are nice.  Measurements are engineering/science.

 > Tesla himself used a similar system to light one of his labs.
    This says little, as such, about the _efficiecncy_.

 > As far as
 > how anyone can accurately measure efficiency without using some very
 > expensive equipment
    Measure the power to light them via wires.
    Measure the input power to the 'whatever' when lighting
    without wires.

   (Measuring INPUT power is trivial.  Meausuring output
    _power_ from a Tesla system is exceeding tricky.)

 > I would guess to be pure specmanship.
   cf as above.  'wireless' means the power goies everywhere, mostly
   to things not being lit.  This is Well Understood and quantified.
   (now.  less so in Tesla's time....)
