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RE: Large Tesla Twins For Sale 5 Foot Sparks!
Original poster: "Gary Weaver" <gary350-at-earthlink-dot-net>
Are you opering your coil inside of a barn full of hay? Be careful and
don't catch the place on fire. I have started fires with my coil. An arc
to my sheet rock ceiling started a small fire in the attic that went out on
its own. It made a lot of smoke and a bad smell thats how I discovered it.
I fired an arc through a pirce of cardboard and set it on fire.
Gary Weaver
Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.
> [Original Message]
> From: Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> Date: 5/31/2004 8:28:48 PM
> Subject: Large Tesla Twins For Sale 5 Foot Sparks!
> Original poster: "Jim Mitchell" <Electrontube-at-sbcglobal-dot-net>
> Hello List,
> About a month ago, I traded one of my solid state tesla coils, for a set
> of large spark gap style twins from Jeff Messer of
> <http://www.teslacoil-dot-net>www.teslacoil-dot-net. Gradually, my barn started
> get smaller and smaller as it filled up with my various toys. So I'm
> forced to sell these beautiful coils.
> The system is a 900W 15,000v 60mA NST powered twin coil.
> This coil will do sparks up to 5' in length from tower to tower. Each
> has a thick metal sphere as the topload, none of that thin dryer ducting.
> The spark gap is a multi segment TerryGap quenched with a fan. The tank
> cap is a MMC constructed with CDE film capacitors for reliability.
> The base is beautiful stained wood, and the coil includes a remote
> so you can stand back safely and control the coils.
> Normally when Jeff sells these coils on eBay, he sells them for 1200$ a
> set. I am willing to let these go WAY below that price, if anyone is
> interested, please E-mail me,
> <mailto:electrontube-at-sbcglobal-dot-net>electrontube-at-sbcglobal-dot-net
> Here are some pictures of this particular coil:
> www.hot-streamer-dot-com/electrontube/temp/tc2.jpg
> www.hot-streamer-dot-com/electrontube/temp/tc4.jpg
> www.hot-streamer-dot-com/electrontube/temp/tc6.jpg
> This is the same coil shown at the bottom of the page
> <http://www.teslacoil-dot-net/Custom.htm>http://www.teslacoil-dot-net/Custom.htm
> These are "The Towers of Power"
> Jeff has hundreds of satisfied customers, and here is your chance to get
> one of his coils way below the price he sells them.
> Regards - Jim Mitchell